Make coffee better

The Specialty Coffee Association fosters global coffee communities to support activities to make coffee a more sustainable, equitable, and thriving activity for the whole […]

Flores de Ilicínea: specialty with a sustainable heart

Lilian Trigolo and Márcia Amaral are two small coffee farmers in Brazil in the southern region of Minas Gerais called Ilicínea, who launched together a brand of specialty coffee “Flores de Ilicínea Cafés Especiais” in such a complex and challenging […]

Focus: Singapore Coffee Association

We have the pleasure of painting a picture of the Singapore Coffee Association. The Singapore Coffee Association (SCA) was established in the late 1950’s by a group of pioneering coffee traders. During the ensuing years, coffee trade developed rapidly due to the…

ICO November report: coffee prices rise on concerns over 2021 production

After falling by 8.9% in October, the monthly average of the ICO composite indicator rose by 3.6% to 109.79 US cents/lb in November. The following is an abstract of the ICO Coffee Market Report of November 2020. The ICO composite indicator rose by 3.6% to 109.70 US cents/lb as prices for all group indicators…

Hurricane Damages Coffee Lands of Honduras and Nicaragua

The estimated damage to the Nicaraguan economy is US$ 742.7 million, 6.2% of the national GDP. Hurricane Iota was the second major hurricane to hit Central America in a matter of weeks. The first was Hurricane Eta which made landfall on 3 November 2020 as a category 4 storm, causing landslides and flooding that displaced…