Hilda Leguía Gonzales makes history as the second female winner in the competition’s history

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We are glad to share the results of the latest Peru Cup of Excellence, taken from a Cup of Excellence’s press release.
These winning coffees represent seven regions across the country. The top scoring coffee, a washed 50% Gesha / 50% SL-09 from the Cusco region, was the competition’s only Presidential Award with 90 points. The winning producer, Hilda Leguía Gonzales, made history as the second female winner in the competition’s history.

“I feel happy and excited, I want to thank all my family, especially my husband and children, who have worked next to me unconditionally. Additionally, I would like to thank the cooperative ‘VALLE DE INCAHUASI’, including the manager and technicians who helped me in this journey through many adversities,” said Hilda Leguía Gonzales. “We started working with specialty coffees about 3-4 years ago, implementing all the care needed, and our next step is to plant more Gesha coffee plants in the following years. We trusted our coffee was going to give good results in the competition, because we drink it – roasted in clay pots – and it gives us a lot of energy. I’d like to invite everybody to drink Peruvian coffee.”Of the 184 samples entered into the competition, 36 passed to the International stage of the competition held at Global Coffee Centers (GCCs) in Norway, The U.K., U.S.A., Korea, China, Australia and Japan. From this final evaluation, 24 coffees scored 87 points or more and were deemed Cup of Excellence coffees. There were also eight coffees passed as semifinalists, or National Winners.

The 24 winning Cup of Excellence coffees will be auctioned online on December 3rd with opening prices starting at $5.00/lb. The National Winner auction will go from November 30th – December 14th with lowered, tiered opening prices: $3.50/lb for 86+ points and $3.00/lb for 85-85.99 points.

Geni Fundes, General Manager of Central Café & Cacao and General Coordinator of Cup of Excellence Peru 2020, highlighted that this competition, which has been held in Peru since 2017, contributes to the increase in coffee exports. It has also promoted the professionalization of national coffee growers and increased domestic consumption of specialty coffees.

The Awards Ceremony was held virtually on Friday, October 30th via the Digital National Platform for the Promotion of Coffee.

Here are key facts about this year’s Cup of Excellence winners:

  • 24 Cup of Excellence winners – 18 first time participants
  • 1 Presidential Award – first time participant
  • Process breakdown: 3 Washed Anaerobic, 2 Honey, 3 Naturals, 16 Washed
  • 5 regions represented

 Hilda Leguia Gonzales from 1st place winning farm, Esperanza.

The CoE auction is December 3rd
The National Winner auction is November 30th – December 14th
The last day to purchase a sample set is November 12th

See the Full Results